Updates...Fall 2014 - Winter 2015

Added on by Rodrigo Beilfuss.

Hello there, you, lonely reader of this highly unimportant blog. 

I've just returned from a trip to the homeland, Brazil - sister was getting married!

But now life in Winnipeg resumes in its cold realities...Winter is coming.

Cock and Bull closed two weeks ago, and boy was it ever a challenging project. Partially glad it's over, partially missing Mike Bartlett's language and my delightful cast so much...


So this is what's up for the near future:

- I've scored a really swell part-time, flexible gig with ACI MANITOBA (Arts & Cultural Industries Association of Manitoba). You can learn more about them here: creativemanitoba.ca - I'm their Communications-Marketing Coordinator. I've been having great, great fun with these guys. An office with a bunch of artists promoting other artists and their exciting works?! Sign me up. 

- Additionally, I've been teaching the Shakespeare Ensemble class at the Manitoba Theatre for Young People, which is a treasure of an institution, every Thursday evening. This is a 22-week course, and it will go all the way till April, 2015. I've been having fun; the kids are great. 

- I'm taking part in this lovely celebration of author MICHAEL HEALEY: MONDAY OCTOBER 27TH @ 7PM - click --> Theatre Projects 

- Together with voice coach Shannon Vickers and actor Dora Carroll, I've been organizing a series of Shakespearean readings called EXPERIENCING SHAKESPEARE - essentially, we plan to read all of Will's plays...which means it will take us some 37...39 months. First one is on OCT 22 at 6pm at the U of W. More info HERE. 

- I'll be doing a reading at this: WINE & WORDS FALL EDITION with Theatre by the River - happening on November 19th at 7pm. 

- I'm also currently in pre-production/research phase for PRIVATE LIVES, by Noel Coward, which I will Assistant-Direct. More info on this brilliant production with the Royal MTC (Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre) can be found by clicking HERE.

- And further into the future, there is a one-man show in the works, and a great directorial project with Theatre by the River for the Fall of 2015...but I'm sure other things will pop up here and there. So, you, lonely reader of this highly unimportant blog, please stay tuned!